“Milk is only for breakfast,” answered one of my classmates as we lectured in a recent class about fluid milk consumption in the United States. Unfortunately, several other students agreed...
As editors, we cover a wide breadth of unique events. Not only covering, but being part of the “Rural Life Days” with the Most Reverend David Ricken, bishop of the Green Bay Catholic Diocese
Easter and Christmas are the two days when most churches are standing-room only. A person must arrive at church 30 minutes ahead of the start of mass to try to get a seat
One of the best things an operation can do for its future is invest in taking care of calves in the first two months. Although that care can be accomplished a great number of ways
From the East Coast to the West Coast, I have had the opportunity to tour several dairy farms and expand my knowledge of the dairy industry simply by spending an hour observing an operation
Ever notice how much time you spend talking to others who farm, between attending ag meetings and sitting on ag boards and committees? Talking to our farm friends is so easy
I recently had the opportunity to interview several outstanding college students for the Animal Agriculture Alliance’s summer communications internships
Ah, that new car feel . . . It’s different, better, and exciting . . . all at the same time. As I watched our March webinar, “Making use of all that parlor data,” I instantly made the...
While working on homework late one night, my roommate crept into my room to inform me about the wildfires, which were sweeping the Plains only a few hours from our home